OPINION (WND) – Billy Graham Evangelical Association CEO Franklin Graham says that if Congress adopts the Democrats’ Equality Act, which would nullify constitutional protections for religious rights, the “nation may never recover.” H.R. 5 which already has passed the House of Representatives, would cancel civil rights protection for women, eliminate the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and codify the LGBT agenda. It previously was condemned by Graham and other Christian leaders.

In the July-August issue of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s “Decision” magazine, Graham points out it’s not likely that the Republican majority in the Senate will go along, but “if the Senate majority changes or if enough Republican senators change their position, it would be up to the president to veto the bill.” “And if that office were to change hands in 2020, I have little doubt this would become the law of the land,” he warned. He said there would be “catastrophic consequences.” READ MORE


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