OPINION (SS) – The mystery booms continue baffling people across the world. The latest reports come from the UK, Canada, and the US. People living in the New Tripoli area of Lehigh County, PA want to know what caused an explosion Tuesday morning. Residents claim they heard or felt a blast, but authorities say they can’t determine a cause for the incident. Meanwhile, An unexplained boom heard across Hamilton remains a mystery. Was it a supersonic jet? An industrial accident? A skyquake? Nobody seems to know

what caused the boom around 2 a.m. on Saturday – heard from the beach strip all the way to Ancaster. “I heard the boom — it was quite loud — but I also felt it. I felt my house move,” said the real estate agent, who lives in the Crown Point neighborhood near the escarpment. But so far, the source of the thunderous bang remains a mystery. In North Carolina, Numerous people reported on social media that they heard a loud ground-shaking boom around 9 p.m. Monday night in Clemmons and western Forsyth County. However, state and federal officials say they don’t know why it happened or what it was. READ MORE


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