(Fox News) – NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has called for boycotts of several states that have enacted pro-life legislation in recent weeks. Abdul-Jabbar wrote an op-ed in The Hollywood Reporter in which he invited readers to take a ride on the “DeLorean” back to the 1950s where anyone who wasn’t “a straight, white Christian male” was a “second-class citizen whose rights and future depended on the patriarchs’ whims and largesse.” “It’s hardly surprising that this entitled group would like to return to their rapidly eroding privileged status,

which they hope to accomplish through sustained attacks on women, people of color, immigrants, Muslims and the LBGTQ community,” Abdul-Jabbar wrote. “By emboldening the right wing through vitriolic rhetoric, the Donald Trump administration has become the UV light in sleazy motel rooms that illuminates these hidden stains on our democracy. Right now the stains include Georgia, Alabama, Missouri and other states passing restrictive abortion legislation that reduces women to baby incubators.” READ MORE
