OPINION (FW) – It’s a common trope among pro-choice activists: the Bible doesn’t mention abortion one time, so why are Christians so adamant that women can’t choose what they want to do with their own bodies? While it is true that abortion itself is never mentioned, using this fact to conclude the Bible says nothing about life beginning at conception would be a grievous error. It’s the ‘argument from silence’ fallacy, which happens when someone “expresses a conclusion that is based on the absence of statements in historical

documents, rather than their presence.” It’s an error many atheists make, such as the Freedom From Religion Foundation, who pose the question then answer: FFRF goes on to use the commonly misused Exodus 21:22-25, which lays out punishments for someone who strikes a pregnant woman. They assume there’s a miscarriage and therefore the financial penalty seems to devalue life inside the womb. But their assumption is wrong. They are also wrong about their claim that the Bible does not condemn abortion. It may not be explicitly stated using the word abortion, but they’re still wrong. READ MORE
