(By Rosilind Jukic) Have you wondered if as a Christian woman it is OK to practice self-care? I don’t know about you, but when I see these buzzwords and bandwagons, I grow a little cautious. And here’s why. I don’t follow a crowd. Not to overspiritualize something, but Jesus did say that the road to life was narrow and not very populated. So, not only is it narrow, but you won’t even run into a traffic jam on this narrow road. So, whenever I see a large crowd of people moving in one direction,

I tend to want to move in just the opposite direction. And I see a lot of people rushing after the idea of self-care. Even Christian people. I have thought a lot on this topic of self-care. I’ll be honest and say, I haven’t read very much (hardly at all) about what my favorite writers have to say about this, mainly because I wanted to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to me what His thoughts are. And since praying and pondering what has come to my heart, I have two concerns about what is termed self-care. READ MORE
