(By PNW) As tensions between Iran and the United States heat up and sanctions take effect, the already weak Iranian economy is feeling the pain, but what could Iran do to retaliate against the United States? US intelligence officials believe that strikes could include political influence campaigns, crippling cyber attacks, terrorist attacks and even targeted assassination. In several of these cases, Iran would be expected to activate sleeper cells already present within US territory to carry out the attacks. While some of the as-yet-unactivated agents may be Iranian nationals, it is more likely that they draw from the ranks

of Hezbollah and have slipped in under the guise of legal visitors and asylum seekers. Microsoft announced last week that it had closed 82 fake websites linked to Iran and corporate intrusion campaigns. After building an employee log-in page that mimics those of a major US company, the hackers would send out emails that spoof internal company addresses, thereby tricking the employees into logging into the fake page and revealing their login credentials. Once inside corporate networks, industrial espionage, sabotage, theft, malware planting and even large-scale cyberattacks are possible.  READ MORE

