In an interview, Moscow’s envoy to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin stated that any missiles fired at Syria would be shot down and that the sources from which they came would be attacked.  In addition, Kremlin backers such as Igor Korotchenko, a Russian military scholar and member of the Defense Ministry’s public advisory council, stated that the chain of events could lead to a crisis that is as dangerous as the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 and that the subsequent events could potentially “provoke World War III.”

According to the interview (below) Zaspikin, Moscow’s envoy to Lebanon, stressed that Russian forces will confront any US aggression on Syria, by intercepting the missiles and striking their launch pads. However, Zaspykin added that a clash “should be ruled out” and that Russia was “ready to hold negotiations.”  The escalation comes amidst a new round of disputes between Russia and The United States after no new resolutions could be agreed upon at a recent United Nations Security Council, which was held on Tuesday. Both the United States and Russia put forth draft resolutions and both nations vetoed each others proposal.  READ MORE


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