The Syrian army confirmed Sunday that several military bases in northern Syria were struck in an attack blamed on Israel by the Hezbollah-affiliated newspaper Al Akhbar.   According to official news agency SANA, a military source said that “some military sites in the countryside of Hama and Aleppo provinces were exposed at 10:30 PM to a new aggression with hostile rockets.”  The explosions following the strike

registered as a 2.6 magnitude earthquake by the European Mediterranean Seismological Center, but the weapons used did not cause the quake. Over 18 people were killed and another 60 were wounded, Sky News Arabia reported citing regime media.  Al Akhbar reported the targets of the strike were Syrian army bases being used by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and Shi’ite militias with troops from Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Hezbollah’s Al Mayadeen reported missiles also struck targets in the Al-Malikiyah area, north of the Aleppo’s airport. READ MORE


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