In a “common-sense” move Friday, Utah Governor Gary Herbert made his state the first to legalize a controversial practice known as “free-range parenting” that previously led to the arrest of a number of parents for negligence.  Herbert signed into law bill SB65, which becomes effective on May 8. It will now allow a child — “whose basic needs are met and who is of sufficient age and maturity to avoid harm or unreasonable risk of harm” — to travel alone to and from school or recreational facilities by

walking, running, or biking, play outside or engage in another independent activity, and sit in a car unattended, under reasonably safe conditions. Allowing a child to engage in such independent activities will no longer be counted as “neglect.”  The bill also allows a parent or guardian “legitimately practicing religious beliefs” to “not provide specified medical treatment for a child.”  “I feel strongly about the issue because we have become so over-the-top when ‘protecting’ children that we are refusing to let them learn the lessons of self-reliance and problem-solving that they will need to be successful as adults,” Sen. Lincoln Fillmore, who sponsored the bill, told Yahoo Lifestyle.  READ MORE
