Pushpa and her husband Vijay [name changed] both came from a Hindu background. They worshipped numerous gods and entertained many spirits, which compounded a series of traumatic events that began in 2000, when they invited Pushpa’s sister to come and live with them. “My sister was possessed with an evil spirit,” Pushpa recounted to Biglife.

Shortly after her sister arrived, Pushpa was startled when an evil spirit spoke through her sister’s mouth, saying, “I am going to kill your sister and come live inside of you.” Within a short time, that is exactly what happened, according to Pushpa’s account. “The evil spirit tormented me for 11 years. It was like hell on earth. My body would become very cold, and I would get a shooting pain in my stomach. Even worse, I would lose total control of my body and begin to beat my children,” she recounted. READ MORE

