Here’s a bizarre story coming out today. Women are now freezing their eggs as they wait for “Mr. Perfect” to arrive. They are often portrayed as hard-hearted individuals who are putting motherhood on hold in order to climb the career ladder. But women who freeze their eggs are actually waiting for a man who is perfect father material to come along. Researcher Kylie Baldwin, who asked a group of women why they froze their eggs, said: ‘I think they were looking for a hands-on father.

‘And it was the absence of this particular type of potential father, not just the absence of any partner, that led them to freeze the eggs.  ‘It’s not just about not having the right partner, it’s about having the right dad for their child.’
Interestingly, some of the women were in a relationships – but froze their eggs because they didn’t believe their partner was father material and were hoping someone better would come along. READ MORE

