Not only is our television programs saturated in nudity but it now appears that vacations need to be in the buff! According to a new report, More than a third of British men say they would consider sunbathing naked this year on the beach. But it’s not just a male ambition: 17 per cent of women would strip down to nothing too.

Excerpt From Express:
Reportedly, getting an all-over tan is the most popular reason to bare all on the beach, with 42 percent of the vote. While 21 percent do it to ‘reconnect with nature’ and one in five (20 per cent) want to ‘step out of their comfort zone’, according to a survey from Andrew Welch, British Naturism, the UK’s organization for Naturists said: “We know that people are far more willing to try social nudity and so it’s great to have confirmation that more and more of us are letting go of any hang-ups and are feeling comfortable in the skin we’re in.


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