(Lynn Scarborough) The majority of Americans (58 percent) say they pray at least once a day, and 82 percent believe in the healing power of prayer, according to recent studies. Movies featuring prayer such as War Room and Miracles from Heaven are winning at the box office. In a new trend, prayer in America is expanding locations from the private “prayer room” to group prayer. In 2016, there are a record number of national events including the National Day of Prayer, World Day of Prayer, United Cry DC16, Azusa Street Revival, Rez Week, The Response and dozens more.

“There are more large prayer gatherings in 2016 than I’ve seen in 26 years of ministry,” says David Butts, President of Harvest Prayer Ministries and Chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee. “I’ve seen waves of prayer before but in addition to filling stadiums, this year there is exceptional collaboration among diverse streams of faith.” FULL REPORT
