Scientists believe there may be fragments of dinosaur DNA preserved in a pregnant T. rex found in Montana. The 68 million-year-old find may also shed light on the evolution of egg-laying and dinosaur gender differences. “We have some evidence that fragments of DNA may be preserved in dinosaur fossils, but this remains to be tested further.” assistant research professor of biological sciences at North Carolina State University, Lindsay Zanno, told Discovery News.The T. rex in question has retained its medullary bone, proving it was pregnant.

The medullary bone is only present during egg laying and it could possibly retain preserved DNA. Zanno explained how the medullary bone functions during egg laying: “It’s a special tissue that is built up as easily mobilized calcium storage just before egg laying,” she said. “The outcome is that birds do not have to pull calcium from the main part of their bones in order to shell eggs, weakening their bones the way crocodiles do.” READ MORE


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