Massive die-offs are happening around the world baffling residents and officials. 103 whales have already washed up dead this year in Brazil, thousands of fish found dead in dam reservoir in Uruguay, in lakes in India and in rivers in Paraguay and Portugal, and tons of fish along a beach in Thailand. 103 whales have already washed up dead this year in Brazil The whale season on the Brazilian coast –

between July and October – is coming to an end with a sad record this year: 103 strandings across the country. This is the all-time record. And a disturbing question remains: what is behind this number? Thousands of fish found dead in dam reservoir in Palmar, Uruguay Residents living around the Palmar Dam are reporting the presence of thousands of dead fish along the Rio Negro. Locals say it had already happened 2 years ago. It may be due to water scarcity in the bed of the river. CONTINUE
