Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) said faith leaders should follow “man’s law” and not harbor illegal immigrants in churches and other places of worship. PJM asked Bryant if he thinks churches and religious organizations should help shield undocumented immigrants from deportation. “I don’t believe so. I think if you are a faith leader or anyone else you have to look also at the nation’s law. There’s God’s law and then there’s man’s law, and man’s law says that you have to go

by certain rules and standards to become a citizen of the United States or you come here illegally – illegally means it’s against the law,” Bryant told PJM during the National Governors Association winter meeting in Washington over the weekend. “We are a nation of laws, so the federal government is going about enforcing the laws. And I hope people of faith will understand that part of the responsibility of your faithfulness is to also understand what man’s law is,” he added. READ MORE
