In what appears to be a meteor that exploded over Southern Argentina has struck fear in the hearts of its residents as reports of a series of powerful explosions shook homes and buildings Wednesday. General Roca, a city of 85,000 people, suddenly experienced a series of loud blasts that produced buildings to shake and windows to rattle. “Everything trembled,” said Martin Soria, the local mayor.

Police, firefighters, and emergency workers were rushed to the scene but found no evidence of a bomb, earthquake or calamity. Further reports indicated that A meteor had entered the Earth’s atmosphere some 10,000 meters (33,000 feet) overhead, traveling at 2,400 kilometers (1,500 miles) per hour. “It took everyone by surprise because it entered the atmosphere over an inhabited area. If it had fallen over the desert, the sea, Antarctica, we would never have known,” said astronomer Roberto Figueroa, head of the nearby Neuquen observatory.


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