A gang of thieves broke into a military base in California and stole three Humvees along with a variety of equipment, including machine gun mounts.

The Tustin Police Department reported that the suspects accessed the Army Reserve Center in Orange County on Wednesday evening.

Officials stated that the brazen robbers made off with three Humvees, one of which was armored.


They also took eight machine gun mounts, tripods, medical equipment, 40 pairs of binoculars, and 18 bayonets. The thieves entered the base’s storage warehouse between 8 PM and 11:30 PM.

Detectives later found several storage lockers with the locks removed and gear missing. According to a police report, an attempt was made to cut a lock on the uniform storage area, but that effort was unsuccessful.

Authorities also discovered that a fence had likely been cut to allow the thieves access to the military parking lot where the vehicles were stored.

The report indicated, “A fence was cut to gain access to a military vehicle parking lot where three Humvees were stolen. The suspects left the area at an unknown time.”

All three missing vehicles have Army administrative numbers painted on their hoods.

According to the Daily Mail, The Army has confirmed to the Tustin Police that no additional weapons or ammunition are known to be missing beyond what has already been reported.

Fear-riddled onlookers have since taken to social media to share their worries and concerns over the stolen military-grade assets.

‘This is quite disturbing,’ one reacted to the Tustin Police report on Facebook.

‘This is not going to end well,’ another chimed in.

Another commented: ‘So what’s the likely motive? Looting in LA? Another terror attack on the horizon? Is this perhaps the cartel? What’s going on?’

‘Frightening! The drones, the cyberattacks, the fires? Now this … why does it feel like a slow attack is brewing?!? Chaos,’ another wrote.


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