Tens of thousands of evangelical Christians gathered on the National Mall Saturday in Washington D.C. to pray for America to return to God.

“A Million Women” gathering was a 12-hour live-streamed event featuring worship, keynote speakers, and prayers to turn America back to godly values.

Millions around the world tuned in to the event described as “a gathering for those hungry to see the Lord’s hand cover this nation…to fast and pray in unity as a LAST STAND moment for America.”

For organizer and evangelist Lou Engle – the event was literally a dream come true. In 2017, God gave Engle a powerful dream where he knew God was raising up an “Esther movement” for such a time as this.

“Everyone knows, America is in a time of crisis, the world is in a time of crisis… fasting and prayer has always shifted history. Esther was raised up for a time if there wasn’t a shift, they would lose a whole nation,” Engle said.

In the dream, “a woman stands up and she’s teaching the book of Esther, and she says, ‘and these two words in the book of Esther actually mean Nazgul.’ I explode out of the dream instantly knowing what it means.

I watched the third part of the Lord of the Rings where the Nazgul Witch King is destroying the armies of men and says, ‘No man can kill me,’ but the king’s daughter takes off her helmet, lets her hair down, and says… ‘I am no man!’ and pierces the Nazgul with her sword,” Engle recalls.

“I wake up and I knew there’s coming a massive women’s ‘Esther movement’ that will have authority just like Esther to take down spiritual powers, ideologies, and they will rise up a righteous woman’s movement, and I believe they will shift history,” Engle continued.


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