(OPINION) If you need any more evidence that the Democrat Party owns the media, look no further than what CBS just did to Kamala Harris’ answer about Israel in her recent interview with Bill Whitaker of “60 Minutes.”

Dave Rubin plays the original answer Harris gave followed by the edited answer, and they couldn’t be more opposite. “This is wild,” he says.

The statement Whitaker posed was: “It seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening.”

In her original, unedited response, Harris said the following: “The work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region.”

A “completely nonsensical, ridiculous answer,” says Dave. Now compare that to CBS’ version of the clip.

To Whitaker’s statement about Netanyahu not listening, Harris said, “We are not going to stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end.”

It’s clear that editors did away with Harris’ word salad and replaced it with “this very direct response” to make her look better.

“[CBS is] in service to the Democrat Party,” sighs Dave. “Bill Whitaker, who did a really fine job there, he should be seriously pissed, because he did ask good questions.” To see the before and after footage, watch the clip above.


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