Several residents of Mexico shared shocking video footage of a UFO seemingly hovering to the ground, drawing a mixed response.

Videos on social media captured what appeared to be an oval-sized object hovering over the western city of Zitácuaro on September 8.

The footage shows the UFO-like figure hovering near a tree while a second recording captured it slowly moving in front of the overcast skies.


The alleged flying saucer sightings were reported in the neighborhoods of El Naranjo and Manzanillos.

Following the videos, some users took to X, formerly Twitter, to share their belief that aliens had made their way to Mexico.

‘That’s that eye diamond UFO shape,’ one person commented. ‘(Must) be some kind of organic ship.’

‘Spectacular video, contact between humans and alien races is getting closer and closer,’ another X user chimed in. ‘Anyone who continues to believe that it is a balloon, a drone, a hologram or something else is either blind or does not want to see reality.’

However, others were quick to dispel the claims, pointing out that it was most likely just one of the many sky lanterns that float across the Mexican skies during the Globos de Cantoya festival.

‘It may have been a test of a hot air balloon, as these balloons are very common in central Mexico and from a distance they can be confused with other objects,’ another user explained.

One X user questioned the quality of the video but conceded that life probably exists outside our solar system.

‘So much technology, cell phones with too many mega pixels and images like that,’ they said. ‘I do believe that there is life on other planets, but some tests like this don’t help much.’


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