Under the Biden regime, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been conducting political “war games” to prepare for potential climate change emergencies, according to a report from War Room.

These include nationwide droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, blackouts, and water crises.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) National Risk Management Center is behind these simulation exercises, known as “Scenario Based Planning.”


CISA is one of the primary cabals that coordinated with social media companies to effectively censor, suspend, deplatform, and flag millions of people.

Among the tabletop exercises drafted by CISA, revealed in a July 1st document uploaded to the agency’s website obtained by War Room, are “Water Woes” and “Day Zero,” which predicts an energy shortage crisis.

The scenarios operate “under the premise that we cannot successfully predict the future, we prepare for change by treating the future as a set of plausible alternatives,” according to CISA.

However, conservatives may question whether these scenarios reflect an objective consideration of future risks or if they’re shaped by a politically driven narrative around climate change.

The scenarios seem to focus heavily on issues tied closely to liberal policy priorities, such as transitioning to clean energy and handling the effects of climate change.

War Room noted that this approach by CISA aligns with the talking points of globalist organizations like the United Nations and World Economic Forum (WEF).

For instance, Scenario #1: Water Woes, paints a picture of extreme weather becoming the norm by 2029 due to climate change, with regions either flooded or parched by drought.


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