Scientists have stated that last week, Mexico recorded the hottest day in its history, with temperatures in the Sonoran Desert hitting 125 degrees.

These extraordinary temperatures, measured by Shel Winkley, a meteorologist at Climate Central, were part of a deadly heat wave that has swept across Mexico, Central America, and the Southwestern United States, killing 125 people.

There was no confirmation by the Mexico Meteorological Service on the recorded temperature. The organization was contacted for comment.


Mexico has already experienced historic heatwaves this year. On April 15 Mexico City reached 93.6 degrees, and in early May this record was beaten again when Mexico City’s temperature went up to 93.7 degrees.

In the same May heatwave, Ciudad Victoria experienced a stifling 117 degrees, and the central state of San Luis Potosi rose to 122 degrees, a then-record for the country.

June’s heat wave was significantly intensified by humans burning fossil fuels, a recent study has revealed. According to the World Weather Attribution, a collection of scientists that run rapid and non-peer reviewed climate attribution studies, soaring daytime and nighttime temperatures were made 35 times more likely and 2.5 degrees hotter due to the warming effects of burning fossil fuels.

They calculated in the study, which measured temperatures recorded between June 3 and 9 and was released on Thursday, that not only is this extreme heat more intense but it is already much more frequent.

Imperial College London climate scientist Friederike Otto, who coordinated the attribution study team, said that the deadliness of this heat wave has been largely down to it failing to cool down at night, a crucial component for being able to survive boiling days.

According to Otto, climate change has made nighttime temperatures 2.9 degrees warmer and unusual evening heat 200 times more likely.


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