Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has revealed dramatic plans to mobilize 500,000 more troops to fight against Russia. At a rare end-of-year address, the defiant leader admitted it has been a “difficult year” – but vowed Ukraine will fight on to victory.

The Ukrainian president tonight held an unexpected press conference to discuss the state of the war and strategies for the new year.

Zelensky kicked off his address by stating: “This is a difficult year that is coming to an end.”


However, he told Ukrainians never to lose “our resilience”, adding: “We are fighting for a future to be chosen by ourselves not the Russian Federation.”

In order to do this, the embattled leader said the Ukrainian army has asked for an extra 450,000-500,000 men to be drafted.

“This is a sensitive issue,” he said, but stated that he “needed more arguments to support this idea.”

When asked if there was any possibility of “defeat”, Zelensky confidently responded: “No.”

He said: “We are not ready to give up, to let go, from day one to the last day this will be the same… and together we can bring this victory closer.”

Dressed in his usual military fatigues and black jumper, Zelensky faced questions over waning Western support, fatigue in Kyiv and how many years longer Ukraine can fight on.

“I think that no one knows the answer. Even respected people, our commanders and our Western partners, who say that this is a war for many years, they do not know,” Zelensky said.

Cash-strapped Kyiv is facing a difficult second winter at war with issues Zelensky said centred around securing military aid to plug the shortage in artillery shells and systems and other weapons.

But the president repeatedly listed the billions of dollars of aid that is expected to soon come Ukraine’s way from Europe and the US.

“Our allies respect us and our proud of us,” he said. “We won’t be betrayed by our partners.”

Yet, the lionhearted leader was then forced to consider that a possible Donald Trump presidency could have a “very strong impact” on the course of the war.

He also announced that Ukraine will receive more Patriot air defence systems to bolster its forces and civilians in the face of increasing aerial attacks from Moscow.

On top of this, he later promised Ukraine will produce one million new drones in 2024.

Kyiv has been rapidly stepping up its production of UAVs that are being used to target Russian military targets deep behind enemy lines.

Ukraine is currently facing a Russian onslaught on six fronts in suicidal “meat assaults” as Russia is haemorrhaging 1,000 soldiers a day.

On a positive note, the president said that Ukraine has won a “big victory” on the Black Sea.

“The Russian fleet is no longer dominating in the Black Sea… it is no longer able to influence us and what we export and cannot block our economy. “We are forcing Russia to leave our territorial waters and the occupied peninsula [Crimea].”



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