A Muslim family in Nashville, Tennessee, was arrested early Tuesday for allegedly assaulting their son for converting to Christianity, according to local reports.

The victim told police his father, mother, and brother repeatedly punched him and spat in his face, according to an arrest warrant obtained by FOX 17.

Arrest records show the mother, Rawaa Khawaji, scratched the back of his right hand with a knife. The victim accused his family of demanding that he renounce Christianity and return to Islam.


Officers conducted a welfare check at the home after the victim’s employer called police with concerns.

Responding Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD) officers were reported to have found the victim “trembling and wide-eyed” with “disheveled hair.” The victim also appeared to have been “cut haphazardly” with lumps on his face.

The victim was transferred to a local hospital for treatment. The father, mother, and brother, were all arrested early Tuesday on charges of domestic assault, bodily injury, and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.


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