(OPINION) Cosmopolitan magazine published an article promoting “Satanic abortions” to young women. In the process, the liberal magazine insulted the deceased mother of a conservative Supreme Court Justice.

Cosmopolitan – which deems itself to be the “biggest young women’s media brand in the world” – published an article on Nov. 16 titled: “The Satanic Abortion Clinic That’s Pissed Off Pretty Much Everyone…and Might Beat the Bans Anyway.”

The article boosts the reputation of The Satanic Temple (TST) – which provides support to the so-called “Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic.”

The abortion clinic was purposely named to stoke outrage and take a shot at Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito – who authored the opinion that ultimately overturned Roe v. Wade.

The abortion clinic attempts to mock Justice Alito by fantasizing about an alternate reality where his mother, Rose Fradusco Alito, aborted her son when he was an unborn baby.

The Cosmopolitan article conceded that Alito’s mother was a schoolteacher and was “thrilled” with the birth of her son.

The article asked, “It’s unlikely that Rose ever considered abortion for herself (a few years before she passed away, she told reporters she opposed it).

But what if her circumstances had been different — if her own life had been endangered by the pregnancy or if the fetus had a fatal anomaly or if Rose simply hadn’t been ready for a child? What if she’d had a choice and access to safe, legal abortion care?”    The Alito matriarch died in 2013.

The article admits that the Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic does sound like “pure clickbait.”

However, the article praises the clinic for providing young women with abortion pills offered at a “competitive price” and offered up until the 11th week of pregnancy. (CONTINUE)


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