Strong magnetic storms of red level will last all upcoming weekend. Experts predict a prolonged storm with a K-index 6 on Saturday and Sunday, November 11 and 12.

Here’s what you need to know about this magnetic storm and how to preserve your health, as reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Meteoagent.

On the Sun, numerous explosions and flares often occur, causing releases of solar energy in various directions, including towards Earth. This energy consists of charged particles (protons and electrons) that can move rapidly through space.


When this energy reaches the Earth’s magnetosphere, it triggers activity known as solar or magnetic storms.

Scientists distinguish several classes and intensities of these magnetic storms, ranging from K-index 2 to K-index 9. All storms above K-index 5 are considered powerful magnetic storms that can have significant consequences.

Such storms can cause disruptions in electronics, satellites, disruptions in GPRS, and mobile communication. During storms with a K-index 7 or 8, unique phenomena like polar (northern) lights may occur. Red-level storms can also affect human well-being.

According to data from NOAA, TESIS satellite systems, and international meteorological laboratories worldwide, strong magnetic storms with a K-index of 6 have been ongoing for several days. On November 8, the storm reached a K-8 level.

In the coming days, the storms will persist at the K-6 level, causing disturbances throughout the weekend – on November 11 and 12, Saturday and Sunday. According to the preliminary forecast, the magnetosphere is expected to return to a calm state only by Monday, November 13.

There are numerous studies confirming the correlation between magnetic storms and poor well-being in people on such days. Individuals more frequently complain of discomfort and seek help from doctors, including cardiologists.

Frequent complaints:

Excessive daytime sleepiness
Sleep disturbances at night
General weakness
Rapid fatigue
Loss of energy
Impaired concentration
Increased anxiety

But the greatest danger of magnetic storms is to astronauts who are outside the protective shield of the Earth’s atmosphere. Such storms pose a risk to them due to the potential impact of high levels of radiation, significantly increasing the likelihood of cancer.


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