The small town of Slaughters, Kentucky, (pop. 186) is experiencing what has been described as “God doing something unusual” among the area’s young people after a few days of unrest occurred at the local high school just a few weeks ago.

Several fights reportedly broke out at the Webster County High School over a 5-day period in September. Officials said the unrest was instigated by students through social media, according to The Journal-Enterprise.

The incident left even veteran school officials exasperated. “In my 19 years, I don’t think I have ever seen any quite like what we saw last week,” Webster County Schools Superintendent Aaron Harrell told the outlet.


The unrest at the local high school began right before the Mt. Gilead General Baptist Church had scheduled its annual Disciple Now event for the rural area’s young people.

According to Tyler Feller, the church’s part-time teaching pastor, the congregation rallied together and started an online intercession schedule. They began praying for a meaningful breakthrough during the upcoming youth event focused on teaching the foundations of faith.

In a series of emails with CBN News, Feller shared that the church has since seen a youth revival that began on Sept. 15. The scheduled event has morphed into what is now known as the Unashamed Kentucky Youth Revival.

“Our gatherings are around 250 people on off nights. On church nights, Sunday and Wednesday, we’ve had around 300. This is a lot for the size of the town,” Feller explained.

“We had 27 more salvations tonight and 17 baptisms. That brings our total to 87 saved and 53 baptized. Huge crowd,” the teaching pastor reported on Friday.

There have also been reports of high school students worshipping together before school, and writing Bible verses on Post-It notes, leaving them to encourage their fellow students.

Photos have also been posted to social media of teenagers at various locations in the small town holding up signs to passing vehicles that read, “Jesus Loves You,” “Jesus Christ is Lord,” and “Jesus Died for You.” “I have spoken at hundreds of youth events and led very large youth ministries, but I have never seen anything quite like this,” Feller told CBN News.


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