“Al Kass TV photojournalist Khalid al-Misslam passed away recently,” the Gulf-Times tweeted. “Al-Misslam, a Qatari, died suddenly while covering the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. We believe in Allah’s mercy and forgiveness for him, and send our deepest condolences to his family.” The details were on his death were unclear. Al Kass TV reportedly mentioned al-Misslam’s death once on air.

His death came just hours after Wahl passed away while covering a World Cup match between Argentina and Netherlands. Wahl fell back in his seat in a section of Lusail Stadium during extra time and reporters near him called for assistance.

He was covering his eighth World Cup and wrote last Monday he visited a medical clinic while in Qatar. He tested negative for COVID-19 and sought treatment for his symptoms.



“My body finally broke down on me. Three weeks of little sleep, high stress and lots of work can do that to you,” Wahl wrote in his Substack. “What had been a cold over the last 10 days turned into something more severe on the night of the USA-Netherlands game, and I could feel my upper chest take on a new level of pressure and discomfort.

“I went into the medical clinic at the main media center today, and they said I probably have bronchitis. They gave me a course of antibiotics and some heavy-duty cough syrup, and I’m already feeling a bit better just a few hours later. But still: No bueno.” (SOURCE)


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