(OPINION) – Benny Hinn, who was last seen offering invitations to his birthday party for $5000 a person, found himself served with legal papers in the middle of a sermon, the result of being sued for defamation.

Hinn, along with publicist Ron Torossian and associate Donald B. Price, were named in the lawsuit filed by Norman Quintero, the CEO of TeleAmerica Television Network and Senior Pastor of Iglesia Getsemani in California.

Quintero is accusing Price, a close friend, confidant, and strategist for Hinn, of creating a website designed to “destroy Dr. Quintero’s personal reputation.”


The since-deleted but archived website contains a bevvy of claims, such that he “has been declared a criminal by the State Of California” and that he is a “Democrat Pastor” who has gone “bankrupt.”

It is unclear at this time what role if any Hinn played in the fabrication of this website. (SOURCE)


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