(OPINION) ETH – Women’s Bible Teacher Beth Moore reportedly ripped into unvaccinated Christians in a series of unhinged tweets on Tuesday. stating “For all our Jesus-talk, where on the ever-loving earth is our Jesus-walk,” Mrs. Moore asked.

“If you are not a Christian, I’m not talking to you. But if you are, Jesus wasn’t playing when he called us to a whole different ethic from the world.” She went on to say “We’re not loudmouth boasters,” she screamed on Twitter.

“We’re servants. We SERVE.” Moore then proceeded to mock unmasked Christians who have not been vaccinated. “Stare in the face what some of you are saying:


MY RIGHTS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR LIFE. SORRY, NOT SORRY,” Moore raged. “If you’re not going to get vaccinated, for the love of God, PUT ON A MASK IN PUBLIC PLACES WITH VULNERABLE PEOPLE.”


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