(ETH) – Hundreds across New England reported seeing a large fireball lighting up the night sky Friday according to WMUR9 News, A News 9 viewer in New Boston caught the fireball on phone camera at 11:14 p.m., while another viewer driving in Westford, Massachusetts, caught it on a dashcam video at the same time. A Rochester security camera also caught the fireball.

Hundreds of reports came into the American Meteor Society from New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, and Canada. The AMS said that based on the reports, the fireball streaked across the sky in southern to central Maine, traveling northwest. A fireball is an unusually bright meteor, typically as bright or brighter than the planet Venus.


According to NECN, The event dazzled people across the region, with Sarah C., from Cumberland, Maine, saying it left her speechless. “Never seen anything like it,” she reported to the AMS. “Reminded me of a shooting star but much faster and much brighter.”

A woman in New Durham, New Hampshire, said she wasn’t quite sure what it was at first, but it was quite the spectacle. “Very bright and amazing,” she reported. “Huge flash of light I thought was lightning and then I thought it was a firework but there was no sound. It had a bright tail and lit up the whole sky.”


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