OPINION (ETH) – A New Jersey school nurse was suspended for refusing to wear a mask amid the coronavirus pandemic and argued it’s severely “harming students.” “I’ve seen kids come in with all kinds of dirty masks, the same mask for weeks, surgical masks to have food and dirt on them,” school nurse Erin Pein told “Fox & Friends” Wednesday.

“I had a student come to me. He came to the nurse’s office and said he couldn’t breathe.” The school nurse, who works at the Stafford Township School District, went on to say a student mentioned that he’s been “shockingly” wearing a mask for two weeks and told her he “can’t take” the mask off.

“How could this be? This kid sleeping and showering in this mask for two weeks? We tried to take it off and we couldn’t, so we actually had to cut it off and throw it away,” Pein told co-host Brian Kilmeade. Pein, 35, said this incident is one of many that she’s seen at the Stafford school, and the nurse is deeply concerned the kids are wearing masks “incorrectly” and decided to make a stand.


The Stafford school nurse reached out to her supervisor and mentioned her concerns “weren’t appreciated.” “They just bluntly told me we are going to be following the mandates put in place by Governor Murphy and that includes wearing masks,” she told Kilmeade.

“I let them know that, as a nurse, I don’t feel comfortable enforcing something that I can see and know that is harming somebody.” The suspended Stafford school nurse has three kids of her own and has been a medical professional for 13 years. Pein mentioned in a Facebook video, posted by Republican gubernatorial candidate Hirsh Singh, that the mask mandate is “child abuse.” READ MORE


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