(OPINION) ETH – The Word of God reveals that a period of time before the Second Coming of Christ will be marked by specific events that must unfold. Although the Word of God does not specify when the time of the end will unfold, One Bible Professor Tom Meyer, a scholar also known as The Bible Memory Man, is certain the clock is already ticking for humanity according to Express.

Professor Meyer has stated that a battle will take place on the Earth in the time of the end,  He said: “The event that will make the proverbial end days’ clock hit midnight and begin the seven-year tribulation as recorded in Revelation 6-19 is the Rapture. “The event is not to be confused with the Second Coming. “The Rapture of the Church is imminent – it could happen at any instant – so fast that it happens as quickly as the blink of an eye.”

Meyer goes on to state that Christ will appear in the skies during the Rapture to resurrect dead Christians and snatch them up to heaven and has prepared a room for them, as outlined in John 14: 1-6.v But according to Meyer, the Rapture will not mark the Second Coming just yet but sometime after the Rapture will begin a seven-year period known as the Tribulation, in which it will be divided into two halves, each lasting 42 months.


During the first half of the Tribulation, the Antichrist will rise to power to deceive the world. Professor Meyer said: “What we are currently suffering on a global level is only the slightest preview of what is to come. “The second half of the seven-year Tribulation is characterized as ‘great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be’.

“It will be so bad that Christ said that ‘unless that time of calamity is shortened – to seven years – not a single person will survive’.” Meyer emphasizes that the Second Coming of Christ will not take place until the Great Tribulation when many believe Jesus will return to destroy the Antichrist. It is then that Dr. Meyer says that Jesus will destroy the deceiver and establish his rule in Jerusalem for 1,000 years. Most of these events are outlined in the Bible’s Book of Revelation that contains the final chapters of the Bible, penned by John the Apostle, in which John revealed his apocalyptic visions of the end days.


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