(OPINION) ETH – According to one Bible Prophecy teacher, the Antichrist will arise in the time of the end to proclaim himself as the true Messiah and his arrival will coincide with the construction of a , which many believe will set in motion the “end of the world”. According to Express, A Professor Tom Meyer, a Bible expert better known as “The Bible Memory Man”, says the Antichrist will rise from a revived Roman Empire.

Meyer claims that “According to Bible prophecy, in the end times there will be a future Roman Empire which will be consolidated into what could be ten countries, similar to the structure of the modern-day European Union. “From this power structure a ‘little horn’ or mysterious and otherwise unknown politician of tremendous strength will rise to power and with lightning speed begin his military takeover of the world.”

According to Express, Professor Meyer is a college lecturer and public speaker who has memorized more than 20 books from the Bible. Meyer says this future Antichrist will broker a peace treaty between Israel and “its enemies” and that this seven-year peace treaty will unfold in the 70th week of Daniel or half-way through what is known as the Tribulation.


In the traditional Christian belief, the Tribulation is a period of intense global devastation preceding the end of the world. Professor Meyer states: “Halfway through the seven-year peace plan, the Antichrist will be assassinated, presumably at his headquarters in Jerusalem.

“His assassination also marks the halfway point of the seven-year Tribulation which culminates with the Second Coming of Christ. “Then, according to Scripture, the Antichrist’s pseudo-Prophet will breathe life into the wounded and lifeless body of the Antichrist and raise him from the dead in Jerusalem.

“At this point, the resurrected Antichrist will proclaim himself to be the true Messiah in the yet-to-be-constructed third Jewish Temple and require all men to worship him as God in the flesh.”

According to Professor Meyer identifying the Antichrist will be extremely difficult and that all of humanity will be forced to be branded with the Antichrist’s official seal of 666. He said: “You will not be able to buy or sell anything without this mark, perhaps embedded, in your forehead or right hand.

“The Bible states that the correct identification of the Antichrist is extremely difficult but possible and worthy of pursuit.”  Professor Meyer states that “Even though the real Antichrist will not proclaim himself to be the risen Christ until the middle of the seven-year peace deal he brokers between Israel and its enemies, he could be alive and well today, perhaps working his way up the political ranks of the final Gentile world power structure.

According to Meyer, Biblical prophecy has made it possible to identify him by calculating the numerical value of his name in common Greek, 666. Meyer states that according to Bible prophecy he is not a Jew but must be of the same nationality as the people who destroyed the Second Temple in 70 AD. stating that Meyer believes that the Antichrist will be a Gentile of Roman origin.



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