(BIN) – As Trump’s peace plan was unveiled on Tuesday, many elements of the document were cause for concern for the pro-Israel community. Among them was a four-year building freeze (for Jews only) in Judea and Samaria and a future ‘Palestinian’ state with its capital in East Jerusalem. But a lesser noticed result of the ‘Deal of the Century’ involves fifteen Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, all with Biblical roots, who will be completely surrounded by terrorists in the future Palestinian state that Trump would like to create should his plan come to fruition according to Kann News.  The following is a list of those towns:

Elon Moreh, this village, with a vibrant population of 1,436, is where God appears to Abraham – in the plains of Moreh. There he is told to build an altar to commemorate the event of arriving in the promised land on a mountain near Shechem.

, a village with a population of nearly 500, is named after the biblical town Adoraim mentioned in Chronicles 2, 11:9, one of the fortified cities of the ancient Kingdom of Judah under the rule of Rehoboam


(blessing), a Samarian hilltop with a population of nearly 3.000, is named after Mount Gerizim where the blessing took place as written in Deuteronomy:

you shall pronounce the blessing at Mount Gerizim and the curse at HarEival. (Deuteronmy 11:29)

, a town just outside of Jerusalem and home to a massive industrial park, was named after a town on the border of Ephraim and Benjamin as written in the Book of Joshua

From Beit El it ran to Luz and passed on to the territory of the Archites at Ataroth (Joshua 16:2) FULL LIST


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