(OPINION) – CBN – Students at Bozeman High School in Montana are protesting against a Christian club because they don’t like the group’s biblical beliefs about marriage and sexuality. That’s led to a crackdown, and the Christian group is essentially being told this: Abandon your beliefs or forget about being an official school club.

Earlier this year, four female students spoke out against the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) club and their position on homosexual relationships, KECI-TV in Missoula reports. The girls argue that FCA’s statement of faith goes against Bozeman’s motto which encourages “acceptance, respect, and integrity.” FCA’s National Statement of Faith says, “God instituted marriage between one man and one woman as the foundation of the family and the basic structure of human society.

For this reason, we believe that marriage is exclusively the union of one man and one woman.”   Sara Callow, the mother of two of the girls, says their concerns are centered around at-risk and vulnerable LGBTQ students.  “These girls have no problem with a Christian club. They’re not anti-Christian or against kids having a safe place at school to share their faith together,” she said.  Also, the girls disagree with the FCA’s pledge to abstain from sexual relations until marriage. READ MORE



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