OPINION (FW) – When he showed up at his office Friday morning, there was a message blinking on the answering machine from the night before. Someone wanted to know if the marquee sign outside First Baptist Dallas had been vandalized. In bold black letters, the sign reads: “The church that makes God vomit.” It very well could have been a protester angry at Jeffress, who is a Fox News contributor and an outspoken
supporter of President Donald Trump as well as the lead pastor of First Baptist Dallas, which two years ago hosted a patriotic event during which the church choir sang a song based on Trump’s “Make America Great Again” motto. But it’s not: it’s a teaser for the next part in his sermon series on the New Testament book of Revelation. “God said to [the church in Laodicea], ‘I wish you were hot or cold, but since you are lukewarm, I want to spew you out of my mouth,’ and literally, that word ‘spew’ means to vomit,” Jeffress told Faithwire. “So I just decided that would be a good title for the sermon.” READ MORE