OPINION (CP) – Taylor Swift won Video of the Year for her hit song “You Need to Calm Down” at MTV’s Video Music Awards and during the acceptance speech advocated for the Equality Act, a bill some say is a threat to religious liberty. Swift hit the VMA stage on Aug. 26 with a group of LGBT friends. She began by saying that her video, which slams anti-LGBT Christian “hate” protesters, was voted the winner by fans. She then talked about the Equality Act bill for the duration of her speech asking the president of the United

States to respond to her Change.org petition supporting the bill. The Equality Act would make sexual orientation and gender identity protected categories in federal anti-discrimination law. The administration rejected the bill in a statement saying, “The Trump Administration absolutely opposes discrimination of any kind and supports the equal treatment of all; however, the House-passed bill in its current form is filled with poison pills that threaten to undermine parental and conscience rights.” CONTINUE


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