OPINION (Charisma) – Years ago, pastors used to preach a lot of sermons on holiness. But times and attitudes have since changed, and we don’t often hear people talking about holiness anymore. Unfortunately, that includes charismatic Christians. And yet Christian historian David Barton says we could win this nation back if the church would simply revive its passion for holiness and discipleship once again. If we don’t, the results could be disastrous. In a recent interview with Barton, he said

charismatic pastors are ignoring crucial biblical teachings on holiness and discipleship—and it’s affecting the entire body of Christ in America. (Click here or click on the podcast icon to hear our interview.) He told me that his son attended a Pentecostal university. During the 2016 election, his son asked his classmates—who adhered to conservative theology—if they preached about marriage, life or abortion. They said, “Absolutely not. That’s not to be covered in the church.” This, Barton, said, is where many Pentecostal and charismatic preachers are today—and even conservative pastors in general. Many know what is true but aren’t preaching about it. READ MORE


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