(Express) – Bangladesh’s Jamuna river burst its banks on Wednesday as unprecedented flooding has seen millions forced from their homes in the region. Jamuna river is one of the three main rivers in Bangladesh, originating in Tibet and flowing all the way into India and southwest Bangladesh. On Wednesday, the river breached an embankment, flooding a northern district and sending thousands to makeshift camps.

This is the latest in a devastating monsoon season for the region. In India, several million people are living in makeshift camps and settlements. The eastern state of Bihar and northeastern Assam have been the worst hit, officials said. The death toll in India has climbed to 97 in the past week, and there are fears this number may grow. In Bangladesh, the Jamuna river broke through an embankment on Wednesday night, inundating at least 40 villages and displacing more than 200,000 people. READ MORE


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