What prophecies are on the horizon? Which don’t have any pre-conditions? What events still need to take place before the “Rapture of the Church” Gary Stearman and Bill Salus discuss these questions and more.
End Time Headlines is a Ministry that provides News and Headlines from a "Prophetic Perspective" as well as weekly podcasts to inform and equip believers of the Signs and Seasons that we are living in today.
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All of them, because……there IS NO PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE of the church! As these prophecies begin to unfold (many have already) and we begin to witness Revelation take place, these false teachers will begin to alter their views to match their unbiblical beliefs. They will attempt to offer rational explanations for end times events (like you see here). The one thing you will never see them do is speak the truth because they’ve been given a spirit of fear.
The ‘rapture’ is part of the general resurrection and judgment, which is taught throughout Scripture. The entire premise of your discussion is deeply flawed, not so much coz of your belief in a false doctrine, but rather more coz of the heretical assumption that underpins it – the so-called church/Israel dichotomy, aka dual covenant theology.