An executive agency of the United Kingdom’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office has issued a report recommending that seminaries include “queer theology” in their courses and that even Sunday schools teach “LGBTI beliefs.”   The stunning document, released by Wilton Park, an agency of the Foreign Office, also recommends that the Bible be reinterpreted “to make it compatible with LGBTI ideology.” The Barnabas Fund, an organization that supports persecuted Christians

worldwide, was surprised and more than a little worried. “The recommendations, if implemented, would massively reverse freedom of religion across the globe,” the group said. “Once it is accepted that any ideology can be imposed on those who hold conscientious disagreement with it, a very significant backward step has been taken both in relation to i) Freedom of Religion or Belief and ii) human rights generally.” The Christian organization issued its own report stating “the fact that Wilton Park is an executive agency of the U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office” is frightening. READ MORE




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