The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation pressured a North Carolina Sheriff’s office to make changes to a prayer event scheduled to be held on its premises that featured Billy Graham’s daughter and evangelist Anne Graham Lotz. Earlier this month a lawyer with FFRF, which advocates for a strict adherence to separation of church and state, sent a letter to the the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office based in Jefferson, North Carolina, objecting to a “Time of Prayer” event

that was to be held at the sheriff’s office this past Saturday and led by Lotz, a popular evangelical author and founder of AnGeL Ministries. The letter, sent by FFRF attorney Andrew Seidel to Sheriff Terry Buchanan on behalf of a “concerned local resident,” expressed concern about the fact that the event was to be held at the sheriff’s office and that sheriff’s office was promoting the event on its own website and social media pages with advertisements that included the office’s official shield and seal. READ MORE


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