Dozens are pushing back with words of support after a supervisor in Michigan came under fire last week for posting Scripture and a prayer on his Facebook page following the terror attack in Brussels that killed over 30 people. Rick Stathakis, the supervisor for Shelby Township, posted a Bible verse in response to the deadly assault on Tuesday, quoting from Psalm 46:1-2, which reads,

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the Earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea…” His post also included a prayer for those affected by terror in Brussels. “Mighty God, Shine your radiance into every corner of this dark and fallen world. Send your angel armies into Brussels, and heal the land,” Stathakis wrote. “Hear the prayers of those who call to you, calm them with Your peace, and soothe the souls of those who lost loved ones in this attack. Amen.” READ MORE


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