In the wake of the horrible bombings in Brussels, Barack Obama is insisting that there is no need to change our approach in the fight against ISIS. He believes that Islamic terror is not a fundamental threat to our way of life, and he wants all of us to be convinced that the way that he is handling ISIS right now is just fine. Well, in this article you are going to learn some very shocking things about Obama and ISIS that are likely to make you very angry.

It turns out that our allies Saudi Arabia and Turkey have been arming, funding and aiding ISIS and other radical jihadist groups such as the al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria), and Obama has known about it all along. The goal was to take down the Assad regime in Syria, and the American people were never supposed to find out the truth. Earlier today, Barack Obama told reporters that ISIS is not “an existential threat to us” during a news conference down in Argentina. You can see video of him making these remarks right here. But at the same time, he is promising “to continue to go after” ISIS until they are “finally destroyed”…READ MORE


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