NOTE: This article does not reflect the views of End Time Headlines – On March 8 asteroid TX 68, a 30-metre long lump of space rock, is due to whistle past Earth as close as 19,000 miles away. But doom mongers are not convinced it will miss us amid fears we won’t be able to see it because it will be obscured by the sun. The looming event has sent online doomsday predictors into a frenzy, particularly as NASA admits it is uncertain of the orbital path and has given estimates as close as 19,000 miles away to as far as 11 million miles.

The US space agency has also changed the DAY of the pass with the initial date being given as TOMORROW, March 5. Now NASA says it will be on Tuesday, March 8. The uncertainty over the pass coupled with the fact some online doom mongers were predicting an asteroid would smash into earth in March 2016 several months ago, has fuelled the latest fears. READ MORE


  • End Time Headlines

    End Time Headlines is a Ministry that provides News and Headlines from a "Prophetic Perspective" as well as weekly podcasts to inform and equip believers of the Signs and Seasons that we are living in today.


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