Citizens successfully intervened to prevent a potential fire incident in the Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles, where an individual was observed igniting brush on Saturday, as reported by 

A video recorded by author Paul Haddad captured local residents confronting a man dressed in a plaid shirt who set fire to a collection of dead leaves and twigs in a densely populated area adjacent to the LA River in the eastern part of the city.

This incident emerges amidst a series of deliberate fire-starting activities and suspected arson arrests reported over the past week.


The city remains in a precarious situation following devastating wildfires, compounded by ongoing high winds and drought conditions, which have resulted in at least 24 fatalities.

Neighborhoods are at elevated risk of experiencing rapidly escalating fires.

Haddad recounted his experience: “I was walking along the LA River around 10:00 AM when I encountered a significant amount of smoke.

There was an individual who had buried a collection of leaves and twigs and ignited a fire on the barricades along the bank. Upon confronting him, he appeared disengaged, and the seriousness of the situation did not seem to resonate with him.

He was attempting to create a small campfire, yet he did not appear to be homeless. His demeanor was rather indifferent, as if he were casually preparing a cup of coffee.”

Hadded continued: ‘I immediately called 911. They put me through to LAFD, but they had no interest in coming out. They told me “we’re down on our resources, we can’t come over there”.’

Haddad said another local also spotted the fire and confronted the firestarter, using a water bottle to extinguish the flames while Haddad filmed.

‘The man said he was cold. We told him, “but you have a jacket on”. He just seemed inclined to light fires,’ the author said.

‘There seemed something genuinely mentally wrong with this guy. He was almost in a trance when making it.’


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