Scientists have made an exciting discovery: a new habitable planet that orbits a sun-like star not far from Earth.

This remarkable exoplanet, which is located outside our solar system, was first identified two years ago by Dr. Michael Cretignier, an astrophysicist at Oxford University.

Recently, an international team of researchers at the same institution has built upon Dr. Cretignier’s initial findings, releasing their expanded research in the prestigious journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.


The newly analyzed planet, designated HD 20794 d, resides within the “habitable zone” of a star that closely resembles our sun.

What makes this exoplanet particularly fascinating is its highly elliptical orbit, in contrast to the more common circular orbits of many planets.

This elliptical path allows HD 20794 d to orbit at varying distances from its star, ensuring that it can maintain the presence of liquid water on its surface—an essential ingredient for life as we know it.

Despite these promising conditions, scientists caution that further in-depth research is necessary before concluding whether the planet can indeed support life.

HD 20794 d possesses a mass that is approximately six times greater than that of Earth, placing it in a category of super-Earths, which may exhibit different atmospheric and geological characteristics.

The planet is situated about 20 light-years away from our solar system, making it a relatively accessible target for future explorations.

Dr. Cretignier first detected this intriguing astral body while sifting through extensive archival data collected by the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS), located at the La Silla Observatory in Chile.

HARPS is renowned for its ability to study the spectral properties of light emitted and absorbed by celestial objects.

By meticulously analyzing the light spectrum from the host star, Dr. Cretignier was able to observe subtle periodic shifts, which he interpreted as indicative of the gravitational influence of an orbiting planet nearby.

This groundbreaking discovery opens the door to many possibilities in the search for extraterrestrial life, highlighting the importance of ongoing observation and research in the field of exoplanet studies.


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