A rare occurrence took place on a beach in Mexico where an oarfish, often referred to as a ‘doomsday’ fish, was discovered, raising concerns about potential natural disasters.

According to more details from the Daily Mail, Surfers at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula encountered this unusual creature, which measured approximately the length of a surfboard.

The oarfish displayed a striking silvery-blue body with a vibrant red fin extending along its back, although it had an injured tail.


Oarfish are known for their impressive size, potentially reaching up to 36 feet in length and weighing over 441 pounds.

Folklore suggests that these fish might signal impending earthquakes and other natural calamities.

According to a local observer, there is a belief that their appearance could indicate the approach of a significant tsunami.

While scientific studies have not definitively established a link between oarfish sightings and natural disasters, historical patterns have raised eyebrows.

For instance, reports indicate that 20 oarfish washed ashore in the months leading up to Japan’s catastrophic tsunami and 9.0 magnitude earthquake in March 2011, which resulted in over 15,000 fatalities.

Additionally, an oarfish was seen off the coast of California shortly before the region experienced a 7.0 magnitude earthquake last year. This recent sighting in Mexico marks the first oarfish encounter of 2025.

According to legend, oarfish are said to inhabit the waters beneath the islands of Japan, emerging to the surface as a warning to the populace about impending earthquakes.

However, these remarkable creatures are distributed globally, residing at depths ranging from 656 feet to 3,280 feet below the surface of the ocean.

The oarfish possess a scaleless body, enveloped in a slimy, silvery protective layer known as guanine.

The myth concerning these fish gained renewed attention in 2011 following the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.

On March 11, a devastating megathrust earthquake measuring 9.1 in magnitude occurred just 45 miles off the coast of Japan, resulting in tremors that lasted for approximately six minutes.

This seismic event generated waves reaching heights of up to 133 feet and traveling at speeds of nearly 440 miles per hour as they impacted the Japanese coastline.


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